# Level 3A: 9-10 年级 (14-16 岁)

# 计算机系统

Computing Systems

序号 标准和描述 相关概念 实践
3A-CS-01 Explain how abstractions hide the underlying implementation details of computing systems embedded in everyday objects.
Computing devices are often integrated with ot2020年12月14日her systems, including biological, mechanical, and social systems. A medical device can be embedded inside a person to monitor and regulate his or her health, a hearing aid (a type of assistive device) can filter out certain frequencies and magnify others, a monitoring device installed in a motor vehicle can track a person’s driving patterns and habits, and a facial recognition device can be integrated into a security system to identify a person. The creation of integrated or embedded systems is not an expectation at this level. Students might select an embedded device such as a car stereo, identify the types of data (radio station presets, volume level) and procedures (increase volume, store/recall saved station, mute) it includes, and explain how the implementation details are hidden from the user.
计算机设备通常与其他系统集成在一起, 包括生物系统、机械系统和社会系统. 比如医疗设备可以嵌入到人体内, 来监测和调节人的健康状况. 助听器可过滤掉某些声音频率, 而放大其他频率. 安装在机动车辆内的监测设备可以追踪一个人的驾驶模式和习惯. 人脸识别设备可以集成到安全系统中来识别一个人的身份. 集成或者嵌入式系统的创建并不是这个学习阶段的学生需要掌握的内容. 学生可以选择一个嵌入式设备, 比如汽车音响, 识别它所包含的数据类型(电台预设、音量大小)和程序(增加音量、存储/调用保存的电台、静音), 并解释汽车音响是如何向终端用户隐藏实现细节的.
3A-CS-02 Compare levels of abstraction and interactions between application software, system software, and hardware layers.
At its most basic level, a computer is composed of physical hardware and electrical impulses. Multiple layers of software are built upon the hardware and interact with the layers above and below them to reduce complexity. System software manages a computing device’s resources so that software can interact with hardware. For example, text editing software interacts with the operating system to receive input from the keyboard, convert the input to bits for storage, and interpret the bits as readable text to display on the monitor. System software is used on many different types of devices, such as smart TVs, assistive devices, virtual components, cloud components, and drones. For example, students may explore the progression from voltage to binary signal to logic gates to adders and so on. Knowledge of specific, advanced terms for computer architecture, such as BIOS, kernel, or bus, is not expected at this level.
在最基本的层面, 计算机是由物理硬件和电脉冲组成的. 多层软件构建在硬件之上, 并与硬件上下各层进行交互, 以降低复杂性. 系统软件对计算机设备的资源进行管理, 使得软件能够与硬件交互. 比如说, 文本编辑软件与操作系统交互 -- 从键盘接收输入, 将输入转换为比特[1]来存储, 并将这些比特解码为可读文本显示在显示器上. 许多不同类型的设备上都有系统软件, 比如智能电视、辅助设备、虚拟组件、云组件和无人机. 比如说, 学生可以探索从电压到二进制信号, 从逻辑门到加法器的发展, 在这个阶段, 不要求学生掌握计算机体系结构具体的、高阶的术语, 例如 BIOS、内核、总线.
Hardware & Software
硬件 & 软件
3A-CS-03 Develop guidelines that convey systematic troubleshooting strategies that others can use to identify and fix errors.
制定系统性的故障排除策略, 从而让其他人可以用来识别和排除故障
Troubleshooting complex problems involves the use of multiple sources when researching, evaluating, and implementing potential solutions. Troubleshooting also relies on experience, such as when people recognize that a problem is similar to one they have seen before or adapt solutions that have worked in the past. Examples of complex troubleshooting strategies include resolving connectivity problems, adjusting system configurations and settings, ensuring hardware and software compatibility, and transferring data from one device to another. Students could create a flow chart, a job aid for a help desk employee, or an expert system.
在研究、评估和实施潜在解决方案时, 复杂问题的"故障排除"涉及到使用多种来源. 故障排除也依赖于经验, 比如当人们意识到某个问题与他们以前见过的问题相似时, 会基于过去有效的解决方案进行调整. 复杂的故障排除策略包括解决连接问题、调整系统配置和设置、确保硬件和软件的兼容性, 以及将数据从一台设备传输到另一台设备. 学生们可以创建一个流程图, 来辅助前台员工的工作, 或者是创建一个专家系统.

# 网络与互联网

Networks and the Internet

序号 标准和描述 相关概念 实践
3A-NI-04 Evaluate the scalability and reliability of networks, by describing the relationship between routers, switches, servers, topology, and addressing.
通过描述路由器、交换机、服务器、拓扑结构和寻址之间的关系, 评估网络的可扩展性和可靠性.
Each device is assigned an address that uniquely identifies it on the network. Routers function by comparing IP addresses to determine the pathways packets should take to reach their destination. Switches function by comparing MAC addresses to determine which computers or network segments will receive frames. Students could use online network simulators to experiment with these factors.
每个设备都会分配一个地址, 这个地址是网络上是独一无二的标识. "路由器"通过比较"IP地址"来确定数据包到达目的地的路径. "交换机"的功能是通过比较"MAC地址"来决定哪些计算机或者网段将接收"数据帧". 学生可以使用在线的网络模拟器来实验这些因素.
Network Communication & Organization
网络通信 & 网络架构
3A-NI-05 Give examples to illustrate how sensitive data can be affected by malware and other attacks.
举例说明, 敏感数据如何受到恶意软件和其他攻击的影响
Network security depends on a combination of hardware, software, and practices that control access to data and systems. The needs of users and the sensitivity of data determine the level of security implemented. Potential security problems, such as denial-of-service attacks, ransomware, viruses, worms, spyware, and phishing, present threats to sensitive data. Students might reflect on case studies or current events in which governments or organizations experienced data leaks or data loss as a result of these types of attacks.
网络安全取决于诸多因素的组合, 包括控制数据和系统访问的硬件、软件, 以及实践操作. 用户的需求和对数据的敏感性决定了所实施的安全策略的级别. 潜在的安全问题, 包括拒绝服务攻击[2]、勒索软件、病毒、蠕虫、间谍软件和网络钓鱼等等. 学生可能会思考政府或组织因这类攻击而导致资料外泄或者资料遗失的案例研究或者时事.
Network Communication & Organization
网络通信 & 网络架构
3A-NI-06 Recommend security measures to address various scenarios based on factors such as efficiency, feasibility, and ethical impacts.
根据效率、可行性和道德影响等因素, 提出应对各种情况的安全措施建议
Security measures may include physical security tokens, two-factor authentication, and biometric verification. Potential security problems, such as denial-of-service attacks, ransomware, viruses, worms, spyware, and phishing, exemplify why sensitive data should be securely stored and transmitted. The timely and reliable access to data and information services by authorized users, referred to as availability, is ensured through adequate bandwidth, backups, and other measures. Students should systematically evaluate the feasibility of using computational tools to solve given problems or subproblems, such as through a cost-benefit analysis. Eventually, students should include more factors in their evaluations, such as how efficiency affects feasibility or whether a proposed approach raises ethical concerns.
"安全措施"包括物理安全令牌、两步验证和生物特征识别验证. 潜在的安全问题, 包括拒绝服务型攻击(DoS)[2:1]、勒索软件、病毒、蠕虫、间谍软件和网络钓鱼等. 举例说明为什么敏感数据应该得到安全地存储和传输. 通过足够的带宽环境、备份以及其他措施, 确保授权用户可以迅速稳定地访问数据和信息服务, 这就是"可用性(Availability)". 学生应该系统地评估使用计算机工具解决特定问题的可行性, 比如使用成本效益分析等等. 最后, 学生们应该在评估中加入更多的考虑因素, 比如效率如何影响可行性、建议的方法是否会引起道德伦理问题.
3A-NI-07 Compare various security measures, considering tradeoffs between the usability and security of a computing system.
比较各种计算机安全措施, 在计算机系统的可用性和安全性之间进行权衡
Security measures may include physical security tokens, two-factor authentication, and biometric verification, but choosing security measures involves tradeoffs between the usability and security of the system. The needs of users and the sensitivity of data determine the level of security implemented. Students might discuss computer security policies in place at the local level that present a tradeoff between usability and security, such as a web filter that prevents access to many educational sites but keeps the campus network safe.
"安全措施"包括物理安全令牌、两步验证和生物特征识别验证. 选择安全措施需要在系统的可用性和安全性之间进行权衡. 用户的需求和数据的敏感等级决定了需要实施的安全措施等级. 学生们可能会讨论本地计算机实施的计算机安全策略, 在可用性和安全性之间进行权衡. 比如说, 网络过滤器尽管会阻止学生访问众多有益的教育网站, 但是同时又保证了校园网络的安全.
Network Communication & Organization
网络通信 & 网络架构
3A-NI-08 Explain tradeoffs when selecting and implementing cybersecurity recommendations.
Network security depends on a combination of hardware, software, and practices that control access to data and systems. The needs of users and the sensitivity of data determine the level of security implemented. Every security measure involves tradeoffs between the accessibility and security of the system. Students should be able to describe, justify, and document choices they make using terminology appropriate for the intended audience and purpose. Students could debate issues from the perspective of diverse audiences, including individuals, corporations, privacy advocates, security experts, and government.
网络安全取决于控制数据和系统访问的硬件、软件和操作实践的组合. 用户需求和数据的敏感等级决定了需要实施的安全措施级别. 潜在的安全问题, 包括拒绝服务攻击(Dos)[2:2]、勒索软件、病毒、蠕虫、间谍软件和网络钓鱼等, 这些安全问题对敏感数据构成了威胁. 学生可能会思考政府或者组织由于这类攻击而导致数据泄露或数据丢失的案例或者时事.

# 数据与分析

Data and Analysis

序号 标准和描述 相关概念 实践
3A-DA-09 Translate between different bit representations of real-world phenomena, such as characters, numbers, and images.
For example, convert hexadecimal color codes to decimal percentages, ASCII/Unicode representation, and logic gates.
比如说, 将十六进制颜色代码转换为十进制百分比、 ASCII/Unicode、"逻辑门"
3A-DA-10 Evaluate the tradeoffs in how data elements are organized and where data is stored
People make choices about how data elements are organized and where data is stored. These choices affect cost, speed, reliability, accessibility, privacy, and integrity. Students should evaluate whether a chosen solution is most appropriate for a particular problem. Students might consider the cost, speed, reliability, accessibility, privacy, and integrity tradeoffs between storing photo data on a mobile device versus in the cloud.
人们对数据的组织方式和数据的存储位置作出选择, 而这些选择会影响成本、速度、可靠性、可访问性、隐私性和完整性. 学生应该评估所选择的解决方案对于某个特定问题是否是最合适的. 学生们可能会对将照片数据存储在移动设备或者云端之间的成本、速度、可靠性、可访问性、隐私和完整性, 进行权衡.
3A-DA-11 Create interactive data visualizations using software tools to help others better understand real-world phenomena.
使用软件工具创建交互式的数据可视化, 帮助他人更好地理解现实世界的现象
People transform, generalize, simplify, and present large data sets in different ways to influence how other people interpret and understand the underlying information. Examples include visualization, aggregation, rearrangement, and application of mathematical operations. People use software tools or programming to create powerful, interactive data visualizations and perform a range of mathematical operations to transform and analyze data. Students should model phenomena as systems, with rules governing the interactions within the system and evaluate these models against real-world observations. For example, flocking behaviors, queueing, or life cycles. Google Fusion Tables can provide access to data visualization online.
人们以不同的方式对大数据进行转换、归纳、简化和呈现, 来影响他人对数据所隐含的信息的解释和理解. 这方面的例子包括可视化、聚合、重新排列、数学运算. 人们使用软件工具或者编程来创建强大的、交互式的数据可视化, 并进行一系列的数学运算来转换和分析数据. 学生应该把现象视为"系统"来建模, 用系统内部相互作用的规则来解释和涵盖现象, 并将这些模型与现实世界的观察结果进行评估. 例如群体行为、排队、生命周期等等. 谷歌提供了可以在线访问的数据可视化工具 -- Google Fusion Tables[3].
Collection Visualization & Transformation
数据收集 & 数据可视化 & 数据转化
3A-DA-12 Create computational models that represent the relationships among different elements of data collected from a phenomenon or process.
基于从现象或者过程中收集到的数据, 建立计算模型, 来表示不同要素之间的联系
Computational models make predictions about processes or phenomenon based on selected data and features. The amount, quality, and diversity of data and the features chosen can affect the quality of a model and ability to understand a system. Predictions or inferences are tested to validate models. Students should model phenomena as systems, with rules governing the interactions within the system. Students should analyze and evaluate these models against real-world observations. For example, students might create a simple producer–consumer ecosystem model using a programming tool. Eventually, they could progress to creating more complex and realistic interactions between species, such as predation, competition, or symbiosis, and evaluate the model based on data gathered from nature.
"计算模型"根据筛选的数据和特征对过程或现象进行预测. 数据的数量、质量和多样性以及所选择的特征会影响模型的质量和对系统的理解. 用"计算模型"来预测和推理是为了检验模型的有效性. 学生应该将现象视为系统进行建模, 用系统内部相互作用的规则来解释和涵盖现象. 学生应该根据现实世界的观察结果, 对这些模型进行分析和评估. 比如说, 学生可以使用编程工具创建一个简单的"生产者-消费者生态系统模型". 最终,他们可以创建更加复杂、更贴合现实的物种间的相互作用, 比如捕食、竞争、共生等等, 并根据从自然界收集的数据来评估模型.
Inference & Models
推理 & 模型

# 算法与编程

Algorithms and Programming

序号 标准和描述 相关概念 实践
3A-AP-13 Create prototypes that use algorithms to solve computational problems by leveraging prior student knowledge and personal interests.
基于学生已有的知识和个人兴趣, 创建出利用算法解决计算问题的原型.
A prototype is a computational artifact that demonstrates the core functionality of a product or process. Prototypes are useful for getting early feedback in the design process, and can yield insight into the feasibility of a product. The process of developing computational artifacts embraces both creative expression and the exploration of ideas to create prototypes and solve computational problems. Students create artifacts that are personally relevant or beneficial to their community and beyond. Students should develop artifacts in response to a task or a computational problem that demonstrate the performance, reusability, and ease of implementation of an algorithm.
"原型"是展示产品或者流程核心功能的工具. 原型对于在设计过程中获得早期反馈帮助很大, 可以用来洞察产品的可行性. 开发产品的过程, 包括创造性的表达, 也包含对想法的探索, 最终用来创建原型和解决问题. 学生制作与个人有关或者对社区[4]有益的作品. 学生应该根据任务或者计算问题来开发产品, 这个产品能够展示算法的性能、复用性和易实现性
3A-AP-14 Use lists to simplify solutions, generalizing computational problems instead of repeatedly using simple variables.
用"列表"这种数据结构来简化解法, 拓展算法的适用范围, 而不是重复使用简单的变量
Students should be able to identify common features in multiple segments of code and substitute a single segment that uses lists (arrays) to account for the differences.
学生应该能够找出多段代码中的共同特征, 将其简化成一段共同代码, 然后用"列表/数组"来包含他们的不同之处.
3A-AP-15 Justify the selection of specific control structures when tradeoffs involve implementation, readability, and program performance, and explain the benefits and drawbacks of choices made.
在权衡实施、可读性和程序性能时, 说明选择具体"控制结构"的理由, 并解释所做选择的优点和缺点
Implementation includes the choice of programming language, which affects the time and effort required to create a program. Readability refers to how clear the program is to other programmers and can be improved through documentation. The discussion of performance is limited to a theoretical understanding of execution time and storage requirements; a quantitative analysis is not expected. Control structures at this level may include conditional statements, loops, event handlers, and recursion. For example, students might compare the readability and program performance of iterative and recursive implementations of procedures that calculate the Fibonacci sequence.
实践操作包括编程语言的选择, 编程语言影响着创建程序所需的时间和精力. "可读性"指的是程序对其他程序员的可理解性, 可以通过文档记录来提高程序的可读性. 对性能的讨论仅限于执行时间和存储要求的定性理解, 不需要进行定量分析. 这个学习阶段的学生需要掌握的"控制结构"包括条件语句、循环、事件处理程序和递归结构. 比如说, 学生可能会对计算"斐波那契序列"的过程的迭代和递归的可读性和程序性能进行比较.
3A-AP-16 Design and iteratively develop computational artifacts for practical intent, personal expression, or to address a societal issue by using events to initiate instructions.
用响应事件的方式, 来设计和迭代开发产品, 用于生活实际、个人表达、解决社会问题
In this context, relevant computational artifacts include programs, mobile apps, or web apps. Events can be user-initiated, such as a button press, or system-initiated, such as a timer firing. At previous levels, students have learned to create and call procedures. Here, students design procedures that are called by events. Students might create a mobile app that updates a list of nearby points of interest when the device detects that its location has been changed.
在这种情况下, 相关的产品包括程序、移动应用程序、Web 应用程序. "事件"可以是用户发起的, 比如按压按钮. 也可以是系统发起的, 比如启动定时器. 在上一个学习阶段, 学生已经学会了创建和调用程序. 在这个学习阶段, 学生要设计由事件调用的程序. 学生可能会创建一个移动应用程序, 当设备检测位置改变时, 会更新附近的地址列表.
3A-AP-17 Decompose problems into smaller components through systematic analysis, using constructs such as procedures, modules, and/or objects.
通过系统分析, 使用过程(procedure)、模块(module)和对象(object)等结构, 将问题分解成更小的组成部分
At this level, students should decompose complex problems into manageable subproblems that could potentially be solved with programs or procedures that already exist. For example, students could create an app to solve a community problem by connecting to an online database through an application programming interface (API).
在这个学习阶段的学生, 应该把复杂问题分解成可控的子问题, 这些问题有可能可以用已有的程序来解决. 比如说, 学生可以创建一个应用程序, 通过"应用程序编程接口(API)"连接到一个已有的线上数据库来解决问题.
3A-AP-18 Create artifacts by using procedures within a program, combinations of data and procedures, or independent but interrelated programs.
使用程序、数据和程序组合、独立使用但相互关联的程序, 来创建产品
Computational artifacts can be created by combining and modifying existing artifacts or by developing new artifacts. Examples of computational artifacts include programs, simulations, visualizations, digital animations, robotic systems, and apps. Complex programs are designed as systems of interacting modules, each with a specific role, coordinating for a common overall purpose. Modules allow for better management of complex tasks. The focus at this level is understanding a program as a system with relationships between modules. The choice of implementation, such as programming language or paradigm, may vary. Students could incorporate computer vision libraries to increase the capabilities of a robot or leverage open-source JavaScript libraries to expand the functionality of a web application.
通过组合和修改原有产品或者通过全新开发来创建产品. 产品包括程序、模拟、可视化、数字动画、机器人系统和应用程序. 复杂的程序被设计成由相互作用的模块组成的系统, 每个模块都有特定的作用, 模块之间为了一个共同的总体目标进行协调. 使用模块可以更好地处理复杂任务. 这个学习阶段的重点是将程序理解为一个"系统", 一个模块间具有联系的"系统". 对实现方式的选择, 比如编程语言或编程范式的选择可能会导致结果的不同. 学生可以利用已有的计算机视觉库来提高机器人的能力, 或者利用开源的 JavaScript 库来扩展 web 应用程序的功能.
3A-AP-19 Systematically design and develop programs for broad audiences by incorporating feedback from users.
结合用户的反馈, 系统地设计和开发面向广泛受众的产品
Examples of programs could include games, utilities, and mobile applications. Students at lower levels collect feedback and revise programs. At this level, students should do so through a systematic process that includes feedback from broad audiences. Students might create a user satisfaction survey and brainstorm distribution methods that could yield feedback from a diverse audience, documenting the process they took to incorporate selected feedback in product revisions.
"程序"包括游戏、实用工具、移动应用. 低层级的学生应该能够收集用户反馈并以此修改程序. 而这个层级的学生应该能够通过系统化的流程, 来收集更加广泛的反馈并以此修改程序. 学生可以使用"用户满意度调查"或者"头脑风暴"的方式, 来获取来自不同受众的反馈意见, 并记录下对用户反馈的挑选以及纳入产品修订的过程.
3A-AP-20 Evaluate licenses that limit or restrict use of computational artifacts when using resources such as libraries.
在使用库等资源时, 评估这些资源的使用许可协议和限制要求
Examples of software licenses include copyright, freeware, and the many open-source licensing schemes. At previous levels, students adhered to licensing schemes. At this level, they should consider licensing implications for their own work, especially when incorporating libraries and other resources. Students might consider two software libraries that address a similar need, justifying their choice based on the library that has the least restrictive license.
"软件许可"包括版权、免费软件和许多开放源码许可协议. 在之前的学习阶段中, 只是要求学生们懂得使用许可协议. 在这个学习阶段的学生, 还应该考虑许可协议对自己的作品的影响, 特别是在使用外部的库和资源时. 学生们能够对两个相似的库进行比较,并根据他们的许可证来指导自己的选择.
Program Development
3A-AP-21 Evaluate and refine computational artifacts to make them more usable and accessible.
评估和完善产品, 使其更加可用更加易用
Testing and refinement is the deliberate and iterative process of improving a computational artifact. This process includes debugging (identifying and fixing errors) and comparing actual outcomes to intended outcomes. Students should respond to the changing needs and expectations of end users and improve the performance, reliability, usability, and accessibility of artifacts. For example, students could incorporate feedback from a variety of end users to help guide the size and placement of menus and buttons in a user interface.
测试和改进是一个深思熟虑和迭代循环的过程, 用来完善一个产品. 这个过程包括调试(识别和修复错误), 并将实际结果与预期结果进行比较. 学生应该对终端用户不断变化的需求和期待做出响应, 并改善产品的性能、可靠性、易用性、可用性. 比如说, 学生可以结合各类终端用户的反馈, 用来指导用户界面中菜单和按钮大小位置的设计.
Program Development
3A-AP-22 Design and develop computational artifacts working in team roles using collaborative tools.
使用团队协作工具, 设计和开发产品
Collaborative tools could be as complex as source code version control system or as simple as a collaborative word processor. Team roles in pair programming are driver and navigator but could be more specialized in larger teams. As programs grow more complex, the choice of resources that aid program development becomes increasingly important and should be made by the students. Students might work as a team to develop a mobile application that addresses a problem relevant to the school or community, selecting appropriate tools to establish and manage the project timeline; design, share, and revise graphical user interface elements; and track planned, in-progress, and completed components.
协作工具可以像"代码版本控制系统"那样复杂, 也可以像"多人协作文档"那样简单. 在结对编程中只划分了两个角色 -- "驾驶员"和"领航员", 但是在更大的团队中, 角色划分更加专业. 随着程序越来越复杂, 对于程序开发资源的选择变得越来越重要, 而这个选择应该由学生自己决定. 学生可以作为一个团队来开发移动应用程序, 来解决学校或者社区[4:1]中的相关问题, 选择适当的工具来建立和管理项目进度、设计分享和修改图形用户界面、跟踪计划中的和进行中和已经完成的部分.
Program Development
3A-AP-23 Document design decisions using text, graphics, presentations, and/or demonstrations in the development of complex programs.
在复杂程序的开发过程中, 使用文字、图形、报告和演示文稿来记录开发过程中的决策
Complex programs are designed as systems of interacting modules, each with a specific role, coordinating for a common overall purpose. These modules can be procedures within a program; combinations of data and procedures; or independent, but interrelated, programs. The development of complex programs is aided by resources such as libraries and tools to edit and manage parts of the program.
复杂的程序被设计成由相互作用的模块组成的系统, 每个模块都有特定的作用, 模块之间为了一个共同的总体目标进行协调. 这些模块可以是过程程序, 可以是数据和程序的结合, 也可以是独立使用但相互关联的程序. 借助库和工具等资源来编辑和管理复杂程序中的部分内容.
Program Development

# 计算机科技的影响

Impacts of Computing

序号 标准和描述 相关概念 实践
3A-IC-24 Evaluate the ways computing impacts personal, ethical, social, economic, and cultural practices.
评估计算机对个人、道德、社会、经济和文化实践的影响<br>Computing may improve, harm, or maintain practices. Equity deficits, such as minimal exposure to computing, access to education, and training opportunities, are related to larger, systemic problems in society. Students should be able to evaluate the accessibility of a product to a broad group of end users, such as people who lack access to broadband or who have various disabilities. Students should also begin to identify potential bias during the design process to maximize accessibility in product design.
计算机可能会改善、损害或者维持原来的状况. 社会不平等的问题, 比如极少接触到计算机、很少的教育和培训机会等等, 都与社会中更大的、系统性的问题有关. 学生应该能够评估产品对广泛的终端用户群体的无障碍性[5], 比如考虑缺乏宽带网络或者有各种残疾的人群. 学生还应该开始识别设计过程中的潜在偏见, 以最大限度地提高产品设计的无障碍性[5:1].
3A-IC-25 Test and refine computational artifacts to reduce bias and equity deficits.
测试和完善产品, 以减少偏见和社会不平等
Biases could include incorrect assumptions developers have made about their user base. Equity deficits include minimal exposure to computing, access to education, and training opportunities. Students should begin to identify potential bias during the design process to maximize accessibility in product design and become aware of professionally accepted accessibility standards to evaluate computational artifacts for accessibility.
"偏见"可能包括开发人员对其目标用户群体的错误假设. "社会不平等"包括极少接触计算机、极少的教育和培训机会. 学生们应该在设计过程中开始识别潜在的偏见, 以便在产品设计中最大限度地提高无障碍性[5:2], 并了解专业公认的无障碍标准, 以评估产品的无障碍性.
3A-IC-26 Demonstrate ways a given algorithm applies to problems across disciplines.
Computation can share features with disciplines such as art and music by algorithmically translating human intention into an artifact. Students should be able to identify real-world problems that span multiple disciplines, such as increasing bike safety with new helmet technology, and that can be solved computationally.
通过提炼跨学科的共性, 计算机可以通过算法, 将人的意图转化为艺术和音乐等艺术作品. 学生应该能够识别出跨越学科的现实世界问题, 比如用新的头盔技术提高自行车安全, 并能通过计算机技术来解决.
3A-IC-27 Use tools and methods for collaboration on a project to increase connectivity of people in different cultures and career fields.
使用工具和方法进行项目协作, 增加不同文化和职业领域的人之间的联系
Many aspects of society, especially careers, have been affected by the degree of communication afforded by computing. The increased connectivity between people in different cultures and in different career fields has changed the nature and content of many careers. Students should explore different collaborative tools and methods used to solicit input from team members, classmates, and others, such as participation in online forums or local communities. For example, students could compare ways different social media tools could help a team become more cohesive.
社会的许多方面, 特别是工作领域, 都受到了计算机科技提供的便捷通讯的影响. 不同文化和不同职业领域的人之间的联系越来越紧密, 改变了许多职业的性质和内容. 学生们应该探索通过不同的协作工具和方法来征求团队成员、同学和其他人的意见, 比如参与在线论坛或者当地社区等等. 比如, 学生可以比较不同的社交媒体工具如何帮助团队变得更有凝聚力.
Social Interactions
3A-IC-28 Explain the beneficial and harmful effects that intellectual property laws can have on innovation.
Laws govern many aspects of computing, such as privacy, data, property, information, and identity. These laws can have beneficial and harmful effects, such as expediting or delaying advancements in computing and protecting or infringing upon people’s rights. International differences in laws and ethics have implications for computing. For examples, laws that mandate the blocking of some file-sharing websites may reduce online piracy but can restrict the right to access information. Firewalls can be used to block harmful viruses and malware but can also be used for media censorship. Students should be aware of intellectual property laws and be able to explain how they are used to protect the interests of innovators and how patent trolls abuse the laws for financial gain.
法律制约着计算机的许多方面, 比如隐私、数据、财产、信息和身份识别等等. 这些法律可以产生有益的和有害的影响, 比如加快或者拖慢计算机技术的进步、保护或者侵犯人民的权利. 法律和道德的国际差异也会对计算机技术产生影响. 比如说, 强制封锁一些文件共享网站的法律可能会减少网上盗版, 但是同时也会限制人们获取信息的权利. 防火墙可以用于阻止有害病毒和恶意软件, 但是也可以用于新闻审查. 学生应该了解知识产权法, 并能够解释如何利用知识产权法保护作者的权益, 以及专利流氓如何滥用法律获取经济利益.
Safety Law & Ethics
法律 & 道德
3A-IC-29 Explain the privacy concerns related to the collection and generation of data through automated processes that may not be evident to users.
解释通过未经用户授权的自动化程序, 收集和生成数据的隐私问题
Data can be collected and aggregated across millions of people, even when they are not actively engaging with or physically near the data collection devices. This automated and nonevident collection can raise privacy concerns, such as social media sites mining an account even when the user is not online. Other examples include surveillance video used in a store to track customers for security or information about purchase habits or the monitoring of road traffic to change signals in real time to improve road efficiency withogit ut drivers being aware. Methods and devices for collecting data can differ by the amount of storage required, level of detail collected, and sampling rates.
数据可以在数百万人中进行收集和汇总, 即使是这些人没有主动参与也没有实际接近数据收集设备, 也可以进行数据收集和汇总. 这种自动和隐蔽的收集可能会引起隐私问题, 比如社交媒体网站即使在用户不在线时也会挖掘账户信息. 其他的例子还包括在商店中使用监控视频来追踪顾客的安全情况或者购买习惯. 比如在司机不知情的情况下, 监控道路交通以实时改变信号灯来提高道路通行效率. 采集数据的方法和设备可以根据所需的存储量、采集的详细程度和采样率而有所不同.
Safety Law & Ethics
法律 & 道德
3A-IC-30 Evaluate the social and economic implications of privacy in the context of safety, law, or ethics.
Laws govern many aspects of computing, such as privacy, data, property, information, and identity. International differences in laws and ethics have implications for computing. Students might review case studies or current events which present an ethical dilemma when an individual's right to privacy is at odds with the safety, security, or wellbeing of a community.
法律制约着计算机的许多方面, 比如隐私、数据、财产、信息和身份识别等等. 法律和道德的国际差异会对计算机技术产生影响. 学生们可能会回顾个人隐私权与集体的安全、保障或者福祉相冲突的案例或者时事, 这些案例或者时事展现了伦理道德的两难问题.
Safety Law & Ethics
法律 & 道德

  1. "比特"是英语“bit”的音译, “bit”是“binary digit“的意思, 即”二进制数字“. 1个比特就表示1位二进制数字 ↩︎

  2. "拒绝服务攻击( DoS / Denial of Service )": 这种攻击就类似 Windows 电脑的"资源管理器"显示 CPU 或者内存资源的占用达到 100% 时, 电脑开始卡顿死机无法响应操作一样. "拒绝服务攻击"正是指攻击者使用各种办法让目标服务器的资源耗尽, 导致死机, 停止服务. 其中, 最常用的攻击手段是利用一大批已经被控制的电脑作为"僵尸", 向目标服务器发起密集访问, 消耗目标服务器的带宽资源和系统资源 ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎

  3. Google Fusion Tables 从 2019 年 12 月 3 日起已经停止运营 ↩︎

  4. 英文的 "community" 涵盖的范围很广, 不仅仅指"社区", 而是指个人所从属的集体, 包括他生活工作的社区、地区、城市、国家, 甚至包括地球 ↩︎ ↩︎

  5. “无障碍性/可用性”是指产品设计时, 要考虑让尽可能多的用户可以使用这个产品, 尤其是充分考虑残疾人或者老年人的使用情况, 让产品对所有人都没有使用障碍, 体现了一种关怀和平等的设计理念 ↩︎ ↩︎ ↩︎