# 2.4 Evaluate and select technological tools that can be used to collaborate on a project 评估和选择用于项目协作的工具

At any level, students should be able to use tools and methods for collaboration on a project. For example, in the early grades, students could collaboratively brainstorm by writing on a whiteboard. As students progress, they should use technological collaboration tools to manage teamwork, such as knowledge-sharing tools and online project spaces. They should also begin to make decisions about which tools would be best to use and when to use them. Eventually, students should use different collaborative tools and methods to solicit input from not only team members and classmates but also others, such as participants in online forums or local communities.


  • 在低年级时, 比如, 学生可以通过在白板上书写来进行头脑风暴
  • 随着学生成长, 他们应该学会使用团队协作工具来管理团队合作, 比如知识共享工具[1]和在线协作空间[2]. 他们也应该能够判断哪些工具最好用, 以及在什么情况下使用他们. 最终, 学生应该学会使用不同的协作工具和, 不仅用来从团队成员和同学那里征求意见, 还可以从其他人那里收集意见

  1. 知识共享工具, 比如 幕布 (opens new window)Logseq (opens new window)语雀 (opens new window)石墨文档 (opens new window)Notion (opens new window)飞书文档 (opens new window)Microsoft Whiteboard (opens new window) ↩︎

  2. 在线协作空间, 比如飞书 (opens new window)钉钉 (opens new window)Teambition (opens new window)Github (opens new window)Figma (opens new window) ↩︎