# 2.1 Cultivate working relationships with individuals possessing diverse perspectives, skills, and personalities. 培养与拥有不同观点、技能和个性的人的合作关系
At any grade level, students should work collaboratively with others. Early on, they should learn strategies for working with team members who possess varying individual strengths. For example, with teacher support, students should begin to give each team member opportunities to contribute and to work with each other as co-learners. Eventually, students should become more sophisticated at applying strategies for mutual encouragement and support. They should express their ideas with logical reasoning and find ways to reconcile differences cooperatively. For example, when they disagree, they should ask others to explain their reasoning and work together to make respectful, mutual decisions. As they progress, students should use methods for giving all group members a chance to participate. Older students should strive to improve team efficiency and effectiveness by regularly evaluating group dynamics. They should use multiple strategies to make team dynamics more productive. For example, they can ask for the opinions of quieter team members, minimize interruptions by more talkative members, and give individuals credit for their ideas and their work.
- 在初期, 学生应该学习如何与拥有不同特长的团队成员合作的策略. 例如, 在老师的支持下, 学生应该开始给每个团队成员提供贡献的机会, 并作为共同学习者相互合作
- 最终,学生应该能够更加精熟地运用相互鼓励和相互支持的策略. 他们应该合乎逻辑地表达自己的想法, 并找到调和分歧的方法. 例如, 当团队有不同意见时, 他们应该要求其他人解释他们的理由, 并相互尊重地共同作出决定
- 随着学生成长, 他们应该采用让所有小组成员都有机会参与的方法. 年长的学生应该通过定期评估小组动态, 努力提高团队效率和效果. 他们应该使用多种策略来提高团队的动态效率. 例如, 他们可以主动询问比较安静的小组成员的意见, 减少比较爱说话的成员的干扰, 并对个人的想法和工作给予肯定