# 前言

# 关于

Computer science and the technologies it enables rest at the heart of our economy and the way we live our lives. To be well-educated citizens in a computing-intensive world and to be prepared for careers in the 21st century, our students must have a clear understanding of the principles and practices of computer science. The CSTA K–12 Computer Science Standards delineate a core set of learning objectives designed to provide the foundation for a complete computer science curriculum and its implementation at the K–12 level. To this end, the CSTA Standards:

计算机科学技术是我们经济运作和生活方式的核心. 无论是为了适应计算机时代, 还是为了将来的职业生涯做准备, 我们的学生都必须清楚地理解计算机科学的原理和操作实践. 而《CSTA K-12 计算机科学标准》规划了一套核心的学习目标, 目的在于为完整的计算机科学课程在 K-12 阶段的实施奠定基础. 为此, 《CSTA 标准》将遵守以下标准:

  • Introduce the fundamental concepts of computer science to all students, beginning at the elementary school level. 从小学阶段开始, 向学生介绍计算机科学的基本概念
  • Present computer science at the secondary school level in a way that can fulfill a computer science, math, or science graduation credit. 在中学阶段, 基于能够达到计算机科学、数学、理科毕业学分的目标, 来展现计算机科学
  • Encourage schools to offer additional secondary-level computer science courses that will allow interested students to study facets of computer science in more depth and prepare them for entry into the work force or college. 鼓励学校提供额外的中学计算机课程, 使得有兴趣的学生能够更深入地学习计算机科学的各个方面, 并为他们进入职场或者大学做好准备
  • Increase the availability of rigorous computer science for all students, especially those who are members of underrepresented groups. 为所有学生, 尤其是那些代表性不足的群体, 提供更严谨的计算机科学知识

The standards have been written by educators to be coherent and comprehensible to teachers, administrators, and policy makers.

之所以制定以上这些编写标准, 是为了让教师、教学管理者和政策制定者能够连贯地方便地理解这份标准.

Levels 1A, 1B, 2, and 3A are the computer science standards for ALL students. The Level 3B standards are intended for students who wish to pursue the study of computer science in high school beyond what is required for all students (specialty or elective courses).

1A 级、1B 级、2 级和 3A 级适用于所有学生. 3B 等级标准则是为那些在高中阶段希望在计算机科学有更多造诣的学生准备的(专业课程和选修课程).

# 和《K-12 计算机科学框架》的联系

The K–12 Computer Science Framework (k12cs.org) provides overarching, high-level guidance per grade bands, while the standards provide detailed, measurable student performance expectations. The Framework was considered as a primary input for the standards development process.

《K-12 计算机科学框架》 (opens new window)(k12cs.org (opens new window))为每个年级的学生提供了总体性的、理论层面的指导, 而这份《CSTA K-12 计算机科学标准》则提供了详细的、可衡量的学生表现目标. 《K-12 计算机科学框架》是制定《CSTA K-12 计算机科学标准》的主要依据.

The CSTA Standards Revision Task Force crafted standards by combining concept statements and practices from the Framework. It also used descriptive material from the Framework when writing examples and clarifying statements to accompany the standards.

《CSTA K-12 计算机科学标准》编委会通过结合《K-12 计算机科学框架》中的概念定义和实践指导制定了本标准. 在编写标准附带的例子和澄清说明时, 还使用了《K-12 计算机科学框架》中的说明性材料.

# 概念

"概念"内容请参阅《K-12 计算机科学框架》第 6 章. 该文档已翻译, 请参阅这里

  1. Computing Systems 计算机系统
  2. Networks and the Internet 网络与互联网
  3. Data and Analysis 数据与分析
  4. Algorithms and Programming 算法与编程
  5. Impacts of Computing 计算机科技带来的影响

# 实践活动

"实践活动"内容请参阅《K-12 计算机科学框架》第 5 章. 该文档已翻译, 请参阅这里

  1. Fostering an Inclusive Computing Culture 培养包容的计算机文化
  2. Collaborating Around Computing 围绕计算机展开合作
  3. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 识别并定义计算问题
  4. Developing and Using Abstractions 发展和使用抽象技能
  5. Creating Computational Artifacts 创造计算机作品产品
  6. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts 测试和改善计算机作品
  7. Communicating About Computing 关于计算机的交流