# 2.3 Solicit and incorporate feedback from, and provide constructive feedback to, team members and other stakeholders 从团队成员和其他相关者中收集和吸纳反馈, 并提供自己建设性的反馈
At any level, students should ask questions of others and listen to their opinions. Early on, with teacher scaffolding, students should seek help and share ideas to achieve a particular purpose. As they progress in school, students should provide and receive feedback related to computing in constructive ways. For example, pair programming is a collaborative process that promotes giving and receiving feedback. Older students should engage in active listening by using questioning skills and should respond empathetically to others. As they progress, students should be able to receive feedback from multiple peers and should be able to differentiate opinions. Eventually, students should seek contributors from various environments. These contributors may include end users, experts, or general audiences from online forums.
所有学生都应该学会向他人提出问题, 并听取他人的意见.
- 在早期, 在老师的引导下, 学生寻求帮助和分享想法, 来达到特定的目的
- 随着学生成长, 学生应该以建设性的方式提供反馈, 并接收反馈. 例如, “结对编程”[1]是一个促进给予反馈和接收反馈的合作过程. 年长的学生应该通过提问技巧进行积极的倾听, 并应以同情心回应他人. 随着学生的进步, 他们应该能够接受来自多个同伴的反馈, 并应该能够区分这些意见
- 最终, 学生应该从不同的环境中寻求反馈者. 这些反馈者包括终端用户、专家、在线论坛的普通用户等等
“结对编程/Pair Programming”是指两个程序员在一台计算机上共同工作. 一个人写代码, 另外一个人审查他输入的每一行代码, 且两个程序员经常互换角色. 输入代码的人称为“驾驶员 (driver)”, 审查代码的人称为“观察员/导航员 (observer)”