# 2.2 Create team norms, expectations, and equitable workloads to increase efficiency and effectiveness. 建立团队的工作标准、团队目标, 合理分配工作量, 提高工作效率和最终效果
After students have had experience cultivating working relationships within teams (P2.1), they should gain experience working in particular team roles. Early on, teachers may help guide this process by providing collaborative structures. For example, students may take turns in different roles on the project, such as note taker, facilitator, or “driver” of the computer. As students progress, they should become less dependent on the teacher assigning roles and become more adept at assigning roles within their teams. For example, they should decide together how to take turns in different roles. Eventually, students should independently organize their own teams and create common goals, expectations, and equitable workloads. They should also manage project workflow using agendas and timelines and should evaluate workflow to identify areas for improvement.
当学生有了在团队中培养合作关系的经验后(P2.1), 他们应该积累在特定团队中工作的经验.
- 在早期, 老师可以通过提供合作的组织架构来帮助引导这个过程. 例如, 学生可以在项目中轮流扮演不同的角色, 比如记录员、协调者、电脑的指挥者.
- 随着学生成长, 他们应该减少对老师分配角色的依赖, 而更善于在团队中独立分配角色. 例如, 他们应该一起决定如何轮流担任不同的角色.
- 最终, 学生应该独立地组织自己的团队, 建立共同的目标、期望和合理的工作量. 他们还应该使用日程表和时间表来管理项目工作流程, 并应该评估工作流程以确定需要改进的地方