# 7.2 Describe, justify, and document computational processes and solutions using appropriate technology consistent with the intended audience and purpose 使用与预期受众和目的一致的适当的技术, 来描述、证明、记录计算过程和解决方案
At any grade level, students should be able to talk about choices they make while designing a computational artifact. Early on, they should use language that articulates what they are doing and identifies devices and concepts they are using with correct terminology (e.g., program, input, and debug). Younger students should identify the goals and expected outcomes of their solutions. Along the way, students should provide documentation for end users that explains their artifacts and how they function, and they should both give and receive feedback. For example, students could provide a project overview and ask for input from users. As students progress, they should incorporate clear comments in their product and document their process using text, graphics, presentations, and demonstrations.
- 早期, 学生应该用语言来表达他们正在做的事情, 并且用正确的术语来指称设备和概念(比如“程序”、“输入”、“调试”)
- 低阶段的学生应该能够确定他们的解决方案的“目标”和“预期结果”. 在这个过程中, 学生应该为用户提供文档, 来描述他们的产品、解释产品的功能, 并且接收和给予反馈. 比如说, 学生能够提供作品概述, 并向用户征求意见.
- 随着学生成长, 他们应该能够在产品中加入清楚的评论, 并使用文字、图表、演示和示范来记录他们的过程