# 社交互动 Social Interactions

# Grade 2 ( 5-7岁 ) 要掌握的程度

Computing has positively and negatively changed the way people communicate. People can have access to information and each other instantly, anywhere, and at any time, but they are at the risk of cyberbullying and reduced privacy.

Online communication facilitates positive interactions, such as sharing ideas with many people, but the public and anonymous nature of online communication also allows intimidating and inappropriate behavior in the form of cyberbullying. Privacy should be considered when posting information online; such information can persist for a long time and be accessed by others, even unintended viewers.

Crosscutting Concepts: Human–Computer Interaction; Privacy and Security Connections Within Framework: K–2.Data and Analysis.Storage; K–2.Data and Analysis.Visualization and Transformation

计算机已经主动地和被动地改变了人们的交流方式. 我们现在可以在任何地方、任何时间进行即时通讯、获得信息, 但是我们也面临着网络欺凌和隐私安全的威胁.

在线交流促进了积极的人际互动(比如人们可以同时向很多人分享想法), 但是在线交流的公开性和匿名性, 也催生了网络欺凌的出现(比如恐吓、辱骂等在当面交流时很少出现的不适当行为). 所以, 在网上发布信息前应该考虑到隐私安全问题, 提醒自己, 这些信息会在网络中保存很长时间, 并且被其他人, 甚至是无意中的浏览者所看到.

# Grade 5 ( 8-11岁 ) 要掌握的程度

Computing technology allows for local and global collaboration. By facilitating communication and innovation, computing influences many social institutions such as family, education, religion, and the economy.

People can work in different places and at different times to collaborate and share ideas when they use technologies that reach across the globe. These social interactions affect how local and global groups interact with each other, and alternatively, these interactions can change the nature of groups. For example, a class can discuss ideas in the same school or in another nation through interactive webinars.

Crosscutting Concepts: System Relationships; Human–Computer Interaction Connection Within Framework: K–2.Networks and the Internet.Network Communication and Organization

借助计算机技术, 使得区域合作和全球协作成为可能. 计算机技术促进了沟通和创新, 影响了众多社会组织机构, 包括家庭、教育机构、宗教机构、经济商业机构.

利用遍及全球的网络技术, 人们可以在不同地方不同时间进行协作和分享想法. 这些互动行为影响了本区域群体和全球群体之间的互动. 另外, 这些互动也改变了群体的性质. 比如说, “班级”通常意味着在同一个教室上课, 但是由于计算机技术的出现, 一个“班级”既可以在同一所学校也可以在不同国家, 同学可以在不同国家通过在线互动的方式进行讨论.

# Grade 8 ( 11-14岁 ) 要掌握的程度

People can organize and engage around issues and topics of interest through various communication platforms enabled by computing, such as social networks and media outlets. These interactions allow issues to be examined using multiple viewpoints from a diverse audience.

Social networks can play a large role in social and political movements by allowing individuals to share ideas and opinions about common issues while engaging with those who have different opinions. Computing provides a rich environment for discourse but may result in people considering very limited viewpoints from a limited audience.

Crosscutting Concepts: System Relationships; Human–Computer Interaction Connections Within Framework: 3–5.Data and Analysis.Visualization and Transformation; 9–12.Data and Analysis.Visualization and Transformation

计算机催生了各种交流平台, 比如社交网络和媒体渠道. 在这些平台上面, 人们围绕共同的兴趣和话题而而参与其中、组织起来. 这些互动使得我们在研究思考问题时, 可以看到不同人的不同观点.

社交网络平台在社会和政治运动中发挥了巨大作用, 它允许人们分享关于问题的想法和意见, 同时还可以让我们接触到那些拥有不同意见的人.

计算机技术在提供自由丰富的言论环境的同时, 也可能导致我们从有限的听众和反馈中得出狭隘的观点(比如回音壁现象[1]和信息茧房现象[2])

# Grade 12 ( 14-18岁 ) 要掌握的程度

Many aspects of society, especially careers, have been affected by the degree of communication afforded by computing. The increased connectivity between people in different cultures and in different career fields has changed the nature and content of many careers.

Careers have evolved, and new careers have emerged. For example, social media managers take advantage of social media platforms to guide the presence of a product or company and increase interaction with their audience. Global connectivity has also changed how teams in different fields, such as computer science and biology, work together. For example, the online genetic database made available by the Human Genome Project, the algorithms required to analyze the data, and the ability for scientists around the world to share information have accelerated the pace of medical discoveries and led to the new field of computational biology.

Crosscutting Concepts: System Relationships; Human–Computer Interaction Connection Within Framework: 9–12.Networks and the Internet.Network Communication and Organization

社会的许多方面都受到了计算机提供的通信技术的影响, 尤其是工作. 不同文化背景和不同职业领域的人们之间联系得到加强, 这改变了许多职业的性质和内容.

因为计算机技术的发展, 工作已经发生了巨大改变, 新的工作岗位因此出现. 比如, 新出现的新媒体岗位, 就是使用社交平台来宣传产品和公司, 并在平台上和观众增加互动. 全球互联也重塑了不同专业领域之间的协作, 比如计算机科学和生物学的合作诞生了“人类基因组计划”, 它提供的在线遗传数据库, 加上分析数据所需的算法, 加上世界各地的科学家可以自由分享信息, 所有这些加速了医学发现的步伐, 并催生了“计算生物学”这门新学科.

  1. 回音壁现象: 是指在一个相对封闭的环境中, 一些意见相近的声音得到不断重复, 使得这些声音被放大甚至扭曲, 也使得处于这个封闭环境中的人认为这些夸大的扭曲的故事就是事实的全部 ↩︎

  2. 信息茧房: 是指人们对信息的接收和记忆是有选择性的, 这种选择受到个人兴趣爱好和习惯的引导, 从而让自己置身于蚕茧一般的“茧房”中, 对于茧房之外的信息视而不见 ↩︎