# 安全 & 法律 & 道德 Safety, Law, and Ethics
# Grade 2 ( 5-7岁 ) 要掌握的程度
People use computing technology in ways that can help or hurt themselves or others. Harmful behaviors, such as sharing private information and interacting with strangers, should be recognized and avoided.
Using computers comes with a level of responsibility, such as not sharing login information, keeping passwords private, and logging off when finished. Rules guiding interactions in the world, such as “stranger danger,” apply to online environments as well.
Crosscutting Concept: Privacy and Security Connection Within Framework: K–2.Networks and the Internet.Cybersecurity
人们既可以使用计算机技术帮助自己或者他人, 也可以用来伤害自己或者他人. 所以我们应该认识到并避免有害的使用方式, 比如, 避免公开私人信息、避免在网络上和陌生人过于亲密的互动.
需要负责任地去使用计算机, 比如, 保持密码的私密性、不共享登录信息、使用完计算机后要退出账号. 同时, 我们要重视传统的人际互动规则, 因为它们仍然适用于网络环境, 比如说传统人际关系中提醒我们"要避免陌生人带来的危险".
# Grade 5 ( 8-11岁 ) 要掌握的程度
Ethical complications arise from the opportunities provided by computing. The ease of sending and receiving copies of media on the Internet, such as video, photos, and music, creates the opportunity for unauthorized use, such as online piracy, and disregard of copyrights, such as lack of attribution.
Online piracy, the illegal copying of materials, is facilitated by the ability to make identical-quality copies of digital media with little effort. Other topics related to copyright are plagiarism, fair use, and properly citing online sources. Knowledge of specific copyright laws is not an expectation at this level.
Crosscutting Concepts: System Relationships; Privacy and Security Connection Within Framework: 3–5.Networks and the Internet.Cybersecurity
计算机的发展给伦理道德带来更加复杂的问题. 比如说, 在互联网上拷贝、发送和接收文件变得非常方便, 这给盗版和侵权行为(比如没有声明引用来源)带来了便利.
- 网络盗版: 是指对他人成果的非法拷贝. 由于计算机技术的出现, 人们可以很容易就得到完全一样的盗版文件
- 侵犯版权: 包括抄袭、没有注明来源的使用(比如引用了他人图片但是没有注明来源)
这个阶段的学生, 不需要了解版权法的具体细节.
# Grade 8 ( 11-14岁 ) 要掌握的程度
There are tradeoffs between allowing information to be public and keeping information private and secure. People can be tricked into revealing personal information when more public information is available about them online.
Social engineering is based on tricking people into breaking security procedures and can be thwarted by being aware of various kinds of attacks, such as emails with false information and phishing. Security attacks often start with personal information that is publicly available online. All users should be aware of the personal information, especially financial information, that is stored on the websites they use. Protecting personal online information requires authentication measures that can often make it harder for authorized users to access information.
Crosscutting Concepts: Privacy and Security; Communication and Coordination Connection Within Framework: 6–8.Networks and the Internet.Cybersecurity
在信息公开和保持隐私和安全性之间存在着权衡. 当大量的个人信息公布在网络时, 我们会因此更容易被欺骗从而泄漏更多的私人信息.
“社会工程 / Social Engineering”是指通过欺骗人来突破技术上的安全防护措施. 所以我们首先需要了解这些攻击的类型, 才有可能防范他们, 比如说, “社会工程”会使用带有虚假信息的电子邮件来进行网络钓鱼[1]. 安全攻击通常是从网络上公开的个人信息开始. 所以所有人都应该注意网站所存储的个人信息, 特别是财务信息. 我们可以采用认证措施来保护个人在线信息, 因为认证措施可以提高对方获取信息的难度.
# Grade 12 ( 14-18岁 ) 要掌握的程度
Laws govern many aspects of computing, such as privacy, data, property, information, and identity. These laws can have beneficial and harmful effects, such as expediting or delaying advancements in computing and protecting or infringing upon people’s rights. International differences in laws and ethics have implications for computing.
Legal issues in computing, such as those related to the use of the Internet, cover many areas of law, reflect an evolving technological field, and can involve tradeoffs. For examples, laws that mandate the blocking of some file-sharing websites may reduce online piracy but can restrict the right to freedom of information. Firewalls can be used to block harmful viruses and malware but can also be used for media censorship. Access to certain websites, like social networking sites, may vary depending on a nation’s laws and may be blocked for political purposes.
Crosscutting Concepts: System Relationships; Privacy and Security; Abstraction Connection Within Framework: 9–12.Data and Analysis.Collection
法律会约束计算机技术的许多方面, 包括隐私、数据、财产、信息、身份ID, 这些法律会带来有益的影响, 也会产生有害的影响, 比如有些法律会促进计算机技术的进步, 有些法律会阻碍计算机的进步, 有些法律会保护人们的权利, 有些法律则会侵犯人们的权利.
各个国家在法律和道德上有所不同, 对计算机技术也会带来影响.
计算机领域的法律问题, 比如不断发展的互联网技术, 使得人们需要进行各种利弊权衡, 从而涉及了众多法律领域. 比如说, 某些法律会强制关停文件共享网站, 这会遏制在线盗版的猖獗, 但是同时也会限制信息自由传播的权利. 再比如说, 防火墙可以用于阻止有害病毒和恶意软件, 但也可以被用来进行媒体审查. 这些法律在不同国家又有所不同, 比如在有些国家可能因为政治目的, 会封锁某些网站.
网络钓鱼(phishing): 攻击者利用具有欺骗性的电子邮件和伪造的 Web 站点来进行网络诈骗, 通常是诱导受骗者泄露自己的私人资料, 比如信用卡号、银行卡账户、身份证号等等, 之后这些攻击者就可以利用这些敏感的私人信息来进一步进行诈骗和盗取金钱. ↩︎
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