# 7. Communicating About Computing 关于计算机的沟通交流问题
Overview: Communication involves personal expression and exchanging ideas with others. In computer science, students communicate with diverse audiences about the use and effects of computation and the appropriateness of computational choices. Students write clear comments, document their work, and communicate their ideas through multiple forms of media. Clear communication includes using precise language and carefully considering possible audiences.
概述: 沟通交流, 不仅包括自我表达, 也包括和他人交换想法. 学生需要学会和背景多样的用户交流, 沟通作品的功能和性能问题. 学生需要学会使用多种形式(文本、图表、视频...), 来清楚地记录自己开发过程中的见解, 并为自己的作品建立使用文档. 清晰的沟通不仅需要准确的语言表达, 还需要对听众细致的体察.
By the end of Grade 12, students should be able to
到 12 年级结束时,学生应该能够...