# 6. Testing and Refining Computational Artifacts 测试和优化作品
Overview: Testing and refinement is the deliberate and iterative process of improving a computational artifact. This process includes debugging (identifying and fixing errors) and comparing actual outcomes to intended outcomes. Students also respond to the changing needs and expectations of end users and improve the performance, reliability, usability, and accessibility of artifacts.
概述: 测试和优化的过程是一个反复迭代的过程. 这个过程包括产品调试(发现和修复问题)、对比实际结果和预期结果的偏差. 学生们还需要学会响应用户需求、提升作品的性能、可靠性、可用性、可访问性.
By the end of Grade 12, students should be able to
到 12 年级结束时,学生应该能够...