# 3. Recognizing and Defining Computational Problems 识别并定义计算机任务
Overview: The ability to recognize appropriate and worthwhile opportunities to apply computation is a skill that develops over time and is central to computing. Solving a problem with a computational approach requires defining the problem, breaking it down into parts, and evaluating each part to determine whether a computational solution is appropriate.
概述: 有识别出恰当的、有价值的机会的能力是一种随着时间的推移而发展起来的技能,是计算的核心。用计算方法解决问题需要定义问题,将问题分解为几个部分,并评估每个部分以确定计算解决方案是否合适。
By the end of Grade 12, students should be able to
到 12 年级结束时,学生应该能够...